The Pools

Hello everyone, welcome to another year of the NCAA pools. There are 3 pools to choose from. They are listed below. Click on the pool name to get more information and buy squares:

Name Square Round 1 Round 2 Sweet 16 Elite 8 Final 4 Final Squares Left
'Cuse NCAA Pool 202520102040801604000
Big NCAA Pool 20251005010020040080020000
Big NCAA Pool II 20251005010020040080020000

How to determine the winners

How the Squares are Selected

This section is for those who might be interested in the process that is used to determine all the numbers.  The list below shows a linked file and the description of that file from previous pools.

Names.100.1.txt Sample input file from previous years.
Log.100.1.txt Sample output file from previous years.
main.css This is the messy Cascading Style Sheet file used to style the HTML pages.

With this pool I am not promoting gambling, just trying to add a little extra rooting interest for the games.  If there are any problems that come up with the legality of this, it will be shut down and the money returned.  Once again, this is not for profit, just something being provided for friends, family, and fellow fans of UConn and Syracuse basketball and football.